
Messaging Migration

Email is a strong business enabler and has become a mission critical enterprise application that demands 100% availability. However consistent email growth continues to impact messaging design, infrastructure & operations. This coupled with regulatory, compliance and security issues affects data retention and discovery needs. Thus organizations often struggle to find the right balance between meeting business needs and managing IT costs & complexities.

To help organizations migrate to the optimal messaging platform that suits their needs, Cynosure Solutions Exchange 2010 Migration Service offers end-to-end services in the messaging migration domain which includes - migration assessment, design, deployment and user migrations. 

Cynosure Solutions Exchange 2010  Migration Service 

Cynosure Solutions can help organizations migrate from legacy messaging platforms such as Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 to the latest messaging platform of Exchange 2010.

Through our Exchange 2010 Migration Service, we ensure that your messaging infrastructure is robust and our deployments & migrations have zero disruption within the organization. Through the use of native tools, virtualization, hybrid engagement models and server sprawl reduction, we ensure a lower TCO for your messaging environment.

Value Delivered through Cynosure Solutions Messaging Migration Service

• Messaging migration engagements across Exchange 2007, Lotus, Novell GroupWise, MS Mail, and Linux Mail
• Expertise in design, consolidation and infrastructure optimization to reduce TCO and increase performance
• Specialists in offshore-adaptable zero data loss migrations

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